Magical Mask Making
Exploring {hands-on + mixed-media + sculpture + mask making} in just four days together from 9AM to noon in our MAGICAL MASK MAKING workshop, each 6 – 9 year old artist created a magical dragon mask! Each artist was super excited to take home their 3-D sculpture just before the July 4th festivities got underway! We were thrilled to create eleven of these 3-D sculptures primarily out of recycled + reclaimed + re-used goods. The interior of each sculpture housed a handcrafted, plaster, facial mask. Take a peek below!
This week we are excited to announce we’ll be at Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Snowmass, Colorado instructing Carve Away- An Exploration of Linocuts + Block Printing! Read more!
On July 31 + August 14 HANDMAKERY: A Children’s Art Studio will be hosting two more CRAFT NIGHTS: Under the Stars + In the Studio for children ages 6 – 9 years of age from 5:30 – 7:30PM! These special nights are filling fast! June’s CRAFT NIGHT was a huge success! Enroll today while spaces are still available, last month our special event sold out!
One seven year old artist sketched this fabulous piece at home and brought in to share! Quite an impressive full-body + in color + fire breathing dragon!
One artist sketching from inspiration + from our favorite book of the week, Dragonology!
Each artist built their sculpture from mostly recycled goods from start to finish!
All eleven dragons complete in construction + drying! On our final day, we finally got the opportunity to move into color exploration, painting + adding our detail pieces to our sculptures! We had all been anxiously awaiting the moment of diving into color, to see these dragons come to life!
Let the painting party begin! Our favorite day of the week!!! Watching these magical masks come alive was definitely a highlight!
Each artist created a written component about their dragon to attach onto their piece! Each dragon was displayed in our well attended, mini-art exhibit + recognition ceremony on the last day of MAGICAL MASK MAKING! A huge THANK YOU to all the families that attended, so great to see everyone and the BIG smiles on the face of your little artist as they showed you their artwork!
Each magical maker (pictured above) did an amazing job on their individual sculptures! So proud of what they created!
Thinking of joining HANDMAKERY? Enroll today while spaces are currently available!
We still have {just a few spaces} in our workshops: CRAFT NIGHT(S): UNDER THE STARS + IN THE STUDIO (one special evening/each summer month), BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER (on location at the Roaring Fork Club in Basalt, CO) and in our 2014/15 SCHOOL YEAR {mixed-media} ART WORKSHOPS (6weeks/Thursday/4 – 5:30PM) 1. HANDMADE LITTLE ENTREPRENEUR 2. HANDMAKERY FROM THE HEART 3. HANDMADE WITH LOVE 4. SPRING IS IN THE AIRTIST but spaces are quickly filling! Enroll today by visiting our studio at to checkout our workshop brochure + schedule!
Be social + connect with HANDMAKERY: A Children’s Art Studio! We’d ” ♥ ” to get to know YOU!
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Ami Maes
Founder + Creative Director
HANDMAKERY: A Children’s Art Studio
Located in beautiful Carbondale | Colorado
Visit our studio: